Weight Loss!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good morning

Well its 2nd day after surgery I weighed 219 this morning. thats 14 lbs since January 1st. In between those dates you follow up with some dieting and protien shakes .blah blah, but I was 224 the morning of surgery and I am down 5 lbs in 2 days. GO me! I was only in the hospital 24 hours. 5 tiny bandaids on my upper abdomin and thats it. They have you on a liquid diets of sugar free jello and sugar free pop cycles in the hospital but the day you come home you can add blended cream soups, Carnation Instant Breakfast sugar free of course to you meals. You eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup and you are full. You can eat every 2 hours averaging 6 small meals a day. eventually I will get down to 3 meals a day. It is amazing that Im not hungry. You are supose to sip water or 0 calorie drinks in between meals. No caffine, carbonation or lumpy food for now until stomach heals. Next week I get to add yogurt, cottage cheese and semi lumpy foods. 3rd week is awesome and 4th week anything goes. Look out world Im back. You just have to chew the hell out of it and it will be all good. No more swallowing barely chewed food but that ok. I can live with that as long as I can eat anything by chewing it well. By Easter I will be tasteing mashers and gravy. You can take that to the bank. haha. bye for now!


  1. Great Job Mom.... so proud of you and happy for you. We are here for your adventure and we can't wait to see where it will take you.

    Love you!!! Jill

  2. Great job!! I am so excited for you!!
