Weight Loss!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

2 hour class today

Hi, Well today I had to attend a 2 hour class on lapband and gastric. It reminds you about eating and other things and answers alot of questions. Well I found out Im farther ahead eating certain things then other people. The gastric people were still on soft food and having trouble with certain foods. I on the other hand have not had any problems with anything except coffee.HELLO! I come from a long line of professional eaters. We dont have trouble eating. Thats how I got this way. They did say for all you drinkers of alcohol.....none for 6 months. I know I just lost a few of you with that. haha Also said no lettuce for 6 weeks. I have never seen so many over weight people wish they could eat lettuce. Pretty funny. Oh well they also said the protein powder they made us buy for $135. is for before surgery. They want us to eat our protein in food after. So if anyone is going to have this surgery done, you can have my bags of it that I didnt use. One still isnt opened. Yummy stuff, hate to not drink it.....NOT! But it will save you money. They also said quit watching the scale because you will be losing slower like 1-2 pounds a week and might get disgusted if not losing fast enough. So I will keep you posted on any loss but they might be farther apart. But I will still let you know what else Im doing lapband wise.
My pants are getting really lose and my tops that were too snug are fitting nicely. Awesome what an almost 20 lbs weight loss can do for ya. Till we chat again.....toodles

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