Weight Loss!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Had a good day today

Well I had a pretty good day. Did yard stuff and walked the dogs. Ate protein and behaved pretty good. I realize that when Im home I eat less and when I running between 2 jobs, I eat more because Im not sure when I will get the next chance to eat again so I better eat now. Bad thought that I need to work on fixing. Might sound dumb but when you are an eatter you think differently then others. Eating one meal planning what you will eat at the next meal. I know the food is here at home and I can eat when I want, so I dont dwell on planning when or what to eat. I also tried coffee today and it went well. Didnt give me bathroom issues like last time. So we will see what the scale says in the morning. This morning it was still 215...blahhhhh come on scale move down. I think after my fill on Thursday I will lose more. Cross your fingers for me.
I also need to walk alot on weekends because I cant find time during the week. I will let you know the scale number in the morning. Still glad I had it done. Would do it again in a heart beat.. Tuesday will be 4 weeks since surgery. I really need to get physical. Someone dangle a hot guy in front of me on a tread mill to get me going.Would work better then a carrot. haha

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